Whale mural art piece made entirely out of plastic trash found on the beach.

Our Planet Is Drowning In Plastic - How Can We Help?

Whale mural art piece made entirely out of plastic trash found on the beach.


Written by: AnnaMai McDermott

The EPA estimates that 75% of waste produced in the US is recyclable, but of that, only about 30% is actually recycled. Much of this waste finds its way into our lakes and rivers, often ending up in the ocean, invading the homes of our aquatic neighbors.

We might find ourselves frustrated and wondering, how? How can it be that even though so many of us put time and effort into sorting our garbage into the appropriate bins and choosing plastic free options, that our waters are still clogged with trash? Humans have been mass producing plastic since the 1950s, before we really understood the gravity of the problem we were creating. It is only recently that we have started to play catch up. Backed by scientific analysis of trends, the often quoted idea that by mid-century our oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish, really puts things into perspective.

But it’s not all bad news! Mindsets are shifting, voices are being heard and even big corporations are beginning to answer the call for change. That’s why at Sea & Summit we love to support people and initiatives that help tackle this crisis and spread the message: Protect Our Oceans, Protect Our Planet.
Sea & Summit sponsored beach cleanup organized by @clean.horizons in Alabama, USA.


Last month we interviewed the Cavers, a family from Alabama dedicated to cleaning up our beaches and oceans.⁠ Their uber-cute son, Oliver, challenged his parents to a trash gathering contest and they’ve been running local beach cleanups ever since. The fun-loving folk behind the Clean Horizons name inspire people to care for our beaches and make a conscious effort to pick up any garbage we encounter along our way. Sea and Summit sponsors this fantastic family, ensuring they are protected from the sun’s rays when working to keep our beaches clean. 

For us, the message is clear, unnecessary plastic needs to go. While recycling systems and technologies are improving, the best thing we can do is to cut down on plastic as much as possible. So this means opting for that plastic-free option, bringing a reusable mesh or canvas bag to the supermarket for your fruit and veg, supporting businesses that use easily recyclable or plastic-free packaging, and seeking out eco-friendly options whenever we can.

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